Friday, January 21, 2011

What If.... Super Junior K.R.Y.S [FV]

STORY: (sorry its so long!)*Black and White = Flashbacks*

HanGeng, YeonHee and Siwon are great friends, however when Siwon moves away to the city, YeonHee and HanGeng become more than that.
Years later, Siwon returns, with bad news for his friends - he has a heart condition hes not sure can ever be cured.
He sees YeonHee and soon their friendship is reformed, along with HanGeng. The three go out together, but Siwon is too happy yo notice the looks YeonHee and HanGeng exchange.
That night Siwon sits in his hotel room and cries, scared of telling his friends whats wrong with him, worried about the growing feelings in his chest for YeonHee.
The next day, he joins in with his friends play, however, halfway through rehearsal he collapses and is rushed to hospital, where Yeonhee spends the night with him. HanGeng comes and takes YeonHee to relax the day after. When he's let out, Siwon decides that now is the time to tell his friends, and sets out to find them. He goes to YeonHees house and sees a picture of her and HanGeng, definitely closer than friends. He looks somewhere else and finds them, however he grows jealous of HanGeng and YeonHees closeness, the moment he sees them and starts a fist fight with HanGeng.
From the shadows, however, an armed man - intending on stealing the funds from the play makes himself known, taking aim at the brawling friends. He pulls the trigger, but HanGeng spots him, and forces Siwon out of the way - taking the bullet for his friend.
Siwon realises he was wrong to be so mad, that he really loved his friend and that the threeway friendship was more important than his feelings for YeonHee. He knew she would never love him after HanGeng, but he couldnt help but wonder...
What if?

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